Free Soup: The Art of Not Wasting Food

While eating healthy is a high priority for me I find myself getting frustrated over and over again as I throw rotten, mushy, or brown vegetables veggiesoupaway because I didn’t eat them in time.  Not only is this a big waste of money but it also seems so wasteful.  I also find myself making a recipe that calls for a half a can of diced tomatoes or a cup of black beans, etc.  Inevitably the rest of the can of perfectly good vegetables or beans ends up unceremoniously dumped in the garbage.  Thankfully I have found a way to not waste anymore veggies and create a whole new meal in the process! All you need is a tupperware or freezer bag that you will keep in the freezer.  As you notice a few celery stocks in the fridge getting soft or some cauliflower going bad simply dice them up and throw them in the freezer container.  After awhile you will have collected a container full of a variety of vegetables.  When you are ready you can easily dump the vegetables into your crockpot with some chicken or vegetable broth, add seasoning and cook.  What you are left with is a delicious vegetable soup that was essentially free since you would have thrown the vegetables away anyways.  This is a perfect way to save money and food all while creating a yummy and healthy soup!